Consultoría de Bienestar para Maternidades Atípicas
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre cómo seguir siendo madre de alguien neurodivergente (autismo, TDAH, altas capacidades y otras) sin dejarte la vida, con mayor bienestar para ti y para todos el casa. Menos gritos, menos llanto, menos peleas con tu pareja y, sobre todo, menos culpa como madre.
Te apoyo mediante 1 sesión individualizada de 1 hora y un plan personalizado según tus necesidades y las de tu familia.
Cómo funciona:
We will talk for an hour to understand your situation and identify your main challenges and needs at this time (1 h per zoom).
Recibirás por email un informe con un plan personalizado y recomendaciones ajustadas a tu situación y la de tu hijo/a
Tienes toda la información sobre el servicio de consultoría online aquí.
Tras contratar la consulta recibirás un correo para acordar una cita en el calendario y comenzar a trabajar en tu caso. Si tuvieses problemas con los horarios disponibles, escríbeme a y acordamos un día/hora que te venga bien.
INVERSIÓN TOTAL: $99 (unos 96€)
For mothers who:
They want to understand their child's profile and needs based on acceptance, whether or not there is a diagnosis.
They want to better manage their emotions and obtain techniques to manage their children's crises and help them.
They need to reduce their stress on a daily basis
They want to be better organized at all levels without blame or self-demands.
They want to communicate more assertively with their children, partner, other family members, educators, therapists, etc.
They understand that their own well-being is key to their child's development and they are willing to do something to improve it.
Aquí tienes toda la información legal sobre este servicio, para que no te quede ninguna duda.
What is my background?
I help you to:
Identify and prioritize the main challenges at home, both for your child and for you (and recommendations from other professionals, if necessary).
Emotional crisis management method, for you and your child, based on mindfulness and the "Zones of Regulation".
Personalized plan of techniques and practices to reduce stress and manage your time and energy according to your needs and current context.
Personalized assertive communication plan based on Nonviolent Communication (NVC) that fits you and your family's needs at this time.
Some situations we can work on:
Couple problems: difficulties in communication, distribution of roles and responsibilities, different level of involvement.
Guidance on therapeutic services for your child's specific challenges
Difficulties in family organization: routines, limits, conscious discipline, etc.
Extreme exhaustion of mothers
Difficulties with siblings: changes in their behavior, school performance, suspicion of rejection, etc.
Training in specific mindfulness practices for you and your child(ren)
Improved communication with schools
Conflicts with family, self and/or politics
In short, I train you and give you the practical and effective tools to enjoy your motherhood differently, have greater clarity about your goals for you and your child, and lead a full and empowered life, despite the challenges.
I am also the mother of an autistic son myself. In this service I offer you everything I know, both personally and professionally, that works for me and the families I work with.
Reduced anxiety and stress through the use of simple mindfulness techniques.
More effective management of emotional crises, both yours and your child's.
You feel good in your skin and with your life, regardless of the difficulties.
Don't criticize yourself so much.
You understand the reasons for your patterns and habits to change those that no longer serve you.
Confidence in yourself as a mother and in your decisions.
Self-acceptance and self-love (which leads to greater acceptance of your child).
Increased well-being for EVERYONE at home.
Clearer and more assertive communication.
Improved relationships with your loved ones.
But not only do you benefit, so will your loved ones, especially your children! Remember that you are part of the equation and, with neurodiverse children, the quality and effectiveness of the interaction depends VERY much on your own ability to connect.
A more present and emotionally available mom
Less reactive, less irritable
More fun and willing to "play" (to take life differently).
More patient